Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Best Part of Summer- Dinner From the Garden

Seems like we can't even use the dining table these days !!!! There are vegetables everywhere !!! The hot peppers are growing like weeds and every day, sometimes twice a day, we are picking peppers. Our herbs have all gone crazy as well.  Our "suffering" means you guys get yet another recipe using our garden vegs !! Sorry about that.......

The Chef's Stuffed Peppers
large bell peppers (he used 5, use whatever quantity you need, you may need to make additional filling)
1 lb ground beef
1/2 large onion, chopped
salt and pepper
The Chef's red sauce (use whatever spaghetti/marinara sauce you like)
additional small peppers and tomatoes
mozzarella cheese
pasta of choice, cooked
parmesan cheese for serving
Begin by browning ground beef and onion, season with salt and pepper. Drain off fat and set aside. Prepare peppers
by cutting off the top and removing seeds and membranes. If you prefer, cut peppers in half and stuff the halves. Arrange
in baking dish, fill with meat mixture. Surround with additional small peppers and small tomatoes (he used banana peppers, Jamaican yellow mushroom peppers, cherry tomatoes and small romas). Bake at 375 degrees for about 30-45 minutes or until the peppers are done to your liking (we like crisp/tender so 30 minutes is all we needed). Remove from oven and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, return to oven until cheese is melty and starting to brown. Serve peppers and roasted vegetables alongside pasta with red sauce over all. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese if desired.

Soooo delicious !! Made me wish I had baked some homemade bread to go with !! Now we're both just impatiently waiting for the weather to cool and the "winter food" season to begin.

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